


刊物名称 论文名称 作者顺序 出版日期
观光与休閒管理期刊 台湾观光类股财务绩效、股东权益与高阶薪酬之整合分析 第一作者 2014/09
Journal of Business Case Studies From OEM Supplier To A Global-Leading Company 第一作者 2014/09
健康科技期刊 塑化剂事件对生技医疗产业财务五力与股价风险值影响分析 第一作者 2014/07
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology A Study of Bloggers’ Emotional Contagion and Travel Intention 第一作者 2014/06
WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY Impairment of gastrointestinal quality of life in Severely obese patients 第四(以上)作者 2014/06
Journal of Statistics & Management Systems The Influence of Promotion Type and Advertising Appeal on the Brand Evaluation of Fruit Vinegars 第二作者 2014/06
Journal of Statistics & Management Systems The Effect of Advertising using Advertising Appeals, Pictures and Product Categories 第二作者 2014/06
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology A Study of Bloggers’ Emotional Contagion and Travel Intention 第二作者 2014/06
Advanced Approaches to Intelligent Information and Database Systems:Studies in Computational Intelligence The Effect of Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Customer Expectations, and Emotions on Intention to Take Low Cost Airlines 第二作者 2014/04
东亚论坛季刊 黄衫军事件对泰国基金影响 第三作者 2014/03