


刊物名稱 論文名稱 作者順序 出版日期
澄清醫護管理雜誌 施行腹腔鏡減肥手術對肥胖病人生活品質改善之研究 第一作者 2008/10
Obesity Surgery Improvement of Insulin Resistance after Obesity Surgery: A Comparison of Gastric Banding and Bypass Procedures. 第二作者 2008/09
International Journal of Management Theory and Practices Effects of Product Price on Profitability of Semiconductor Firms: Evidence from Global DRAM Industry 第一作者 2008/08
Obesity Surgery Predictors of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Gallbladder Disease in Morbid Obesity 第四作者 2008/07
Hepato-Gastroenterology The Application of Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Tree Model in Predicting Post-operative Complication for Gastric Cancer Patients 第二作者 2008/05
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery Effect of Laparoscopic Mini-Gastric Bypass for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Comparison of BMI >35 and 第三作者 2008/05
Obesity Surgery Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Morbidly Obese Bariatric Patients with Concurrent Hepatitis B Viral Infection 第三作者 2008/05
Obesity Surgery Laparoscopic Mini-gastric bypass: Experience with tailored bypass limb according to body weight 第三作者 2008/03
Journal of Global Business Management Personal stress under Orgnizatinal change in Small business 第一作者 2007/09
產業與管理論壇 日韓國際企業合資策略 ─ 以光碟機產業為例 第一作者 2007/06