


刊物名稱 論文名稱 作者順序 出版日期
International Journal of Management and Information Systems The effect of blog trustworthiness, product attitude and blog involvement on purchase intention 第一作者 2012/09
Hepato-Gastroenterology Predictors of anemia after bariatric surgery using multivariate adaptive regression splines 第一作者 2012/08
International Business & Economics Research Journal, The Absorptive Capacity and MNC Knowledge Transfer: the Organizational Behavior Perspective 第二作者 2012/08
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY Knowledge sharing and work performance: A network perspective 第一作者 2012/08
The International Business & Economics Research Journal Absorptive capacity and MNC knowledge transfer: The organizational behavior perspective 第一作者 2012/08
健行學報 大學生健康知能與健康行為之研究 第一作者 2012/07
健行學報 大學生健康知能與健康行為之研究 第二作者 2012/07
SURGERY FOR OBESITY AND RELATED DISEASES Transumbilical 2-site laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: initial results of 100 cases and comparison with traditional laparoscopic technique 第四(以上)作者 2012/04
ASIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY Predictors of diabetes remission after bariatric surgery in Asia 第四(以上)作者 2012/04
International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing The effects of industrial trends, diversification strategy and corporate policies on the operating performance of international tourist hotels 第一作者 2012/04