


刊物名稱 論文名稱 作者順序 出版日期
Obesity Surgery Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Vs. Mini-gastric Bypass for the Treatment of Morbid Obesity: a 10-Year Experience 第三作者 2012/12
HEALTHMED Key factors in developing medical and wellness tourism - Asian consumers as an example 第一作者 2012/12
HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY Diet behavior and low hemoglobin level after laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass surgery 第二作者 2012/11
International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management Factors influencing the behaviour of the online group of Asian purchasers 第二作者 2012/11
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT Factors influencing the behavior of the online group of Asian purchasers 第一作者 2012/11
全球商管研究(健行科技大學商學院發行) 奢侈稅影響分析:以營建產業為例 第一作者 2012/10
全球商管研究(健行科技大學商學院發行) Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Foreign Laborers in Taiwan 第二作者 2012/10
HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY Roles of hepatic progenitor cells activation, ductular reaction proliferation and Notch signaling in morbid obesity 第三作者 2012/09
Journal of Statistics & Management Systems The influence of brand image and product knowledge in the advertising effect–take placement marketing movie as an example 第二作者 2012/09
International Journal of Management and Information Systems The Effect of Blog Trustworthiness, Product Attitude and Blog Involvement on Purchase Intention 第二作者 2012/09