


刊物名稱 論文名稱 作者順序 出版日期
International Journal of Organizational Innovation Knowledge management in educational organizations: a perspective of knowledge spiral 第二作者 2013/04
Social Behavior And Personality The Influence of Personality Traits, Health Knowledge, and Product Attributes on Intent to Purchase Taiwan’s Healthcare Tourism Products 第一作者 2013/04
International Journal of Organizational Innovation Knowledge management in educational organizations: A perspective of knowledge spiral 第一作者 2013/04
健行學報 Study on Agency Workers on Organizational Commitment and Self-Efficacy: Using Organizational Justice and Work Stress as Mediators 第一作者 2013/04
Educational Technology & Society Timely Diagnostic Feedback for Database Concept Learning 第三作者 2013/04
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases Improved renal function 12 months after bariatric surgery 第四(以上)作者 2013/03
IUP Journal of Marketing Management The effect of impulsiveness and promotional types on purchase intentions in Taiwan: A study 第二作者 2013/02
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY To share knowledge or not: Dependence on knowledge-sharing satisfaction 第一作者 2013/02
Modern Management The impact study of retail employee’s shift work system with work-family conflict- work stress and social support as mediator 第一作者 2013/01
HEALTHMED Key factors in developing medical and wellness tourism - Asian consumers as an example 第二作者 2012/12