International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies |
Knowledge transfer and creation in international strategic alliances: A multi-level perspective |
第一作者 |
2015/01 |
British Journal of Educational Technology |
The impacts of network centrality and self-regulation on an e-learning environment with the support of social network awareness |
第三作者 |
2015/01 |
全球管理與經濟(中華管理績效評鑑學會) |
影響家庭空調用電因素探討 |
第四(以上)作者 |
2014/12 |
Reproductive Health |
The effects of situated learning and health knowledge involvement on health communications |
第一作者 |
2014/12 |
Reproductive Health |
The effects of situated learning and health knowledge involvement on health communications |
第二作者 |
2014/12 |
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development |
Analyzing the nonlinear effects of learning traits on knowledge transfer in international outsourcing alliances: the case of suppliers in emerging markets |
第二作者 |
2014/10 |
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development |
Analyzing the nonlinear effects of learning traits on knowledge transfer in international outsourcing alliances: the case of suppliers in emerging markets |
第一作者 |
2014/10 |
觀光與休閒管理期刊 |
台灣觀光類股財務績效、股東權益與高階薪酬之整合分析 |
第二作者 |
2014/09 |
Journal of Business Case Studies |
From OEM Supplier To A Global-Leading Company |
第二作者 |
2014/09 |
建築學報/Journal of Architecture |
績效、風險與薪酬整合分析:以台灣營建產業為例 |
第一作者 |
2014/09 |